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Thursday, April 24

"Quiet" by Anabel

I always like to be quiet
Quiet is my little world
I always have a diet
Quiet is my house all the time

I never like to talk
When I talk I feel dumb
It's always hard to walk
Walk on the noise of my heart

Quiet because of your fault
You always used me like a toy
I always wanted you to hault
Now my qorld is all quiet


Christine McKnight said...

I love the line about "walk on the noise of my heart." It's very profound, I think.

Tiffany said...

This is interesting...I feel like there is more to it...I think there needs to be a part II :).

I don't know if I understand. Are you quiet be you like to be quiet or are you quiet because of the way someone treated you?

I really like it and I think I can relate.

I too, like the line "walk on the noise of my heart." Good word choice!

Senorita Cragun said...


I have a lot to say about your poem. First, I think you're very quiet... until 6th period! I love it when you're silly and you share your giggly side with us. Second, don't feel dumb when you talk because you always have very smart things to say! Third, I really like the line "It's always hard to walk on the noise of my heart"!! I feel the same way! Finally, don't let anyone use you like a toy. If they do, then let me at 'em! Ha ha.
