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Friday, May 2

"Cobra in a Bottle" by Tony

It looks long and has a wide neck
It has two eyes and doesn't have a beak
It has a venom tongue
It also maybe has a lung

It sounds like a SSSSSS sound
It is quiet when it moves
It shows off when it's in a groove
It is loud when it is escaping

It feels rough and has scales
It's under quite feels pale
It likes to kill and eat
Under it has no feet

It smells gross and cruel
It will not be cool
It smells dirty
It is never flirty

It tastes gross and hard
It is not smooth as a card
It tastes like dirty mud
It tastes dirty and wrong

1 comment:

Senorita Cragun said...

Eeeew! You did a great job keeping me grossed out at the snake for the entire poem!