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Friday, May 2

"Middle School Dances" by Miss Frazier

Middle school dances are so much fun
I get sad when they are almost done

The kids are very enthusiatic
Boys try hard to be romantic

Girls running all over giggling
Everyone's little tushie is wiggling

Sweet odors of fresh baked cookies fill the room
Music begins to blare with a loud boom

As the night goes on the humidity rises
Students line up for games to win prizes

Chaperones' heads begin to throb
Students surround the DJ like a crazy mob

Cute little couples secretly hold hands
Dancing all over jamming to the bands

Fruity punch is super refreshing
Keep a close eye out for unwanted caressing


Senorita Cragun said...

Fraz, I think you nailed it on the head when you said "boys try to be romantic"!

Scott and Jillian said...

that was cute!

Anonymous said...

i dont like middle school dances...it was ok