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Wednesday, April 16

"The Mean Miss Cragun" by Marco

Every morning I don't want to wake up
Ms. Cragun makes us write poems
And I hate writing them
When she comes into class she brings a gnome

When she tells us to start writing a poem
I feel like running home
She stops me and then she tells me to go sit
Ms. Cragun always tells us that her house is a dome

I just want my clock to break
So I don't have to go to school
It will be another boring day
I will bring a mule


Anonymous said...


I asked you to please keep my gnome a secret! Thanks a lot! Now everyone will know... just wait until you get to class...dun dun dun!


The Mean Miss Cragun

Unknown said...

Nice job portraying Miss Cragun- it's definitely accurate ;) (j/k Molly!) I like how you use your passion of not liking to write poems into writing an actual poem- how ironic!


Senorita Jorge said...

I loved this poem. It made me laugh. You shouldn't hate writing poems - you are very talented. Plus, what on earth does Miss Cragun do with a gnome? She is a weird one.
~ Ms. George

Anonymous said...

Marco it was a really good poem and you do like writing poems a lot.

Anonymous said...

I've seen that gnome of Miss Cragun's. She abused students at Midvale Middle School with it too. She's one of those teachers that makes her students learn, what a drag--you poor baby, I feel so sorry for you! jk, Maggie

Anonymous said...

