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Friday, April 18

"My Life" by Sonia

My life is really cool
I go to a good school
I have some best friends
They aren't that cruel

My life is all about sports
Sometimes I have to write reports
I couldn't live without them
I enjoy playing in the basketball court

My favorite sport is basketball
I couldn't live without it at all
If I could I would play it all day and night
I am so excited to go play basketball


Anonymous said...


It was a lot of fun watching you play basketball. You're very athletic!! It makes me happy that you're writing poems about the things you love!

-Miss Cragun

Anonymous said...

I cannot possibly say how awesome it is that you like school... I thought I was the only one! Great rhyming.

Anonymous said...

So, you like volleyball and basketball, sounds like you are really into sports, that's great. Great poem too, Maggie