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Friday, April 18

"Lunch" by Gabe

The lunch program sucks pencil
When you grab food they won't give you utencils
They always have the same food everyday
Every time they would give disgusting food I have to pray
The lunch ladies cut their hair on the food
That when we see the hair it changes our mood
It really wants to make us protest
I'd rather eat spinach while taking a math test


Anonymous said...

Man alive! I'm glad I never go to the cafeteria... if you'd rather take a math test, then it must be horrible food!!

-Miss Cragun

Unknown said...

In some cultures, putting hair in your food is like a garnish.... Ok j/k- that really is gross :P

-Deborah 8^)

Senorita Jorge said...

I like the phrase, "Sucks pencil." I'm going to have to use it more often.
~ Ms. George

Christine McKnight said...

Would people please stop talking about mathematics in such degrading tones?

Anonymous said...

I love spinach AND math, but I don't love school lunch. I can't believe you got a word to rhyme with pencil--and it even has something to do with school lunch, very creative, Maggie